Saturday, November 18, 2017

Rental Adventure

Wow, guys. Seriously, I just fixed our computer so that we can finally use it again. It has taken me this long to do it, but I'm just glad it's finally working!!! Now I just have to figure out how to fine-tune my fix. But anyways, what y'all stopped by to actually see!

These photos are straight and not touched up!! :) We are super pleased with how it all came together! And don't look too closely in a few places because I still have to do the final once over.

                                                                                                                                                                    House Front

I don't have the before for the hallway but here's how it looks now.

 Stairs ;)
                                                             Half Bath


  Living Room


 Master Bedroom

                                                                              Master Closet ;)

Kitchen Before


So it's kind of hard to see in the before pictures but it was trashed. The previous tenants had smoked inside when they weren't allowed and it had permeated a lot. We painted all the walls/ceilings/base boards, put in all new lighting, and installed new carpet. It was a lot of work but I'm glad it's done and I'm glad we have some nice tenants. We are excited about the future!

Have a great day!!

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Adventures and Updates

I feel like if I had a theme song on this blog it'd be "Wow, it's been a while." But seriously, I can't believe it's been so long since we've had a working computer. And yes, technically our laptop does work. But that doesn't mean that I can get pictures off my camera via it. For some reason it does not read the SD cards anymore {it's really old}.
Anyways, update! We are currently in the final stretches of purchasing the duplex that we live in. Yay! After closing and when it is officially ours we will be doing some minor cosmetic renovations and then renting out the other unit. I very much look forward to closing in a couple of weeks. You can not knock the wind out of my sails about becoming a property owner {even if it comes with being a landlord too}. I will say that this news probably takes a few people by surprise due to the fact that we haven't really been talking about it a whole lot. I think to a certain extent we just didn't want to jinx it and have to tell everyone that it fell through. But believe it or not it's happening! And it has been quite the roller coaster of emotions.
Blaine, my sweet little boy is finally one! Officially has been for a couple weeks. He is super funny and super smart! Everyday he learns something new and surprises me. He walks, says small words like "Mama," "Dada," and "Stop it." And he loves to make noises with his mouth--which is new, the girls had minimal interest in it. He really is a cutie and I can't wait to post more fantastic photos of him soon.
We went on vacation in April. So I'll have to post photos of that too....
Y'all, seriously. Thank you for staying with me on this whole blog thing. It's a juggling act and I'm still trying to perfect mine. ;)

Promise to write soon!!

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Life be crazy

As I'm sure all of you can relate, the holidays were crazy. This past year they took a new level of energy out of me and I'm still not 100% sure that I've recovered from them. But I think that probably has to do with our computer crash. Mostly because nothing is easy to do technologically anymore. I mean seriously, when I can't print a coupon from the laptop we are using as a desktop and it won't print from a mobile app (thanks, Disney) you go a little crazy. I even went so far as to call customer support on that one, and they just said, "Sorry, sucks to be you. Go somewhere that you can print from your computer." No coupon code or nothing.

But anyways. On a brighter note, I'm am excited for our sweet little girls! They started gymnastics a couple weeks ago and are loving it! They have done really well and their teachers tell us every week that they are doing great and fit right in. They even love it so much that Hazel will be having her birthday party there, and I'm looking forward to it :) There's a lot of prep work that I'm trying to get out of the way--so the big day runs smoothly--but at least I've got a month to do it. Cross your fingers with me that it all turns out!!

Blaine is crazy fast, now! Especially considering that he used to just sit in one place. Now he crawls, has 2 teeth, and says "Mama" & "Dada". He is really getting there at 8 months now! It's hard to believe but it's true. Sorry there aren't any pictures. I really hate that, but alas I have to get creative to get them off of the nice camera. ;) It's a work in progress--such is life, lol. I have decided that to be the mom of a boy you can't take things too seriously. Because that little boy will laugh at everything you do. And if you are being too serious, he will just provide the comic relief himself with some farty noise. Yes, it has been my experience that this little trick starts early. So just go with it when you don't absolutely have to be serious. That is one of the things that I love Jamie for. He keeps me light-hearted. Being a mom is tough enough, just have fun with it.

So, yeah. We are having fun in our chaotic little corner of the world and are glad that you're still wondering. Stay tuned for when I can finally get our pictures up. Hope you are having a bright and sunny day! :)

Sunday, November 13, 2016


Whew! I tell you what. There is no judging here for busy moms. I keep up with the holidays in real-life, but my online presence is a bit lacking. With that in mind, I wanted to share with you our porch decor for this Halloween. To tell you the truth, I've already turned our pumpkins into pumpkin-mash perfect for pumpkin rolls and pumpkin pies for Thanksgiving and Christmas (or just whenever I feel like eating a delicious pumpkin treat ;) ).

Here's the porch on a whole :)

 These were the best of the pumpkin carving, etc.

And of course, the handsome boy and his cute mom ;) In the background is my amazing Super Saturday craft from last year getting a call-back. 

Now we are gearing up for Thanksgiving and Christmas here in our house. We might go ahead and set up the tree, but I have a stalwart tradition of decorating it on Thanksgiving. Don't worry, it won't be completely plain because it's pre-lit.I think I'm gonna take a day with the girls and do some Christmas ornaments, they had a ton of fun last year doing that and I think we'll make some more (the cat broke most of the clay ornaments last year). 

Be on the lookout for our Christmas decor and our 6 month photos! Both should be up soon! :)

Friday, October 28, 2016

Scripture Reading Chart

Today our computer crashed with my efforts for a scripture chart. So what did I do? I downloaded an app and made a new one on the iPad, lol. With that said I want to share it with all those who might like it. It's just a simple print that you can print in whatever size you want. I'll be posting it in jpeg format and PDF so you can use whatever format you like best. (I prefer the jpeg so that all I have to do is click print and my printer options will let me change the size...) At any rate, here it is!

As soon as I figure this out, lol...

UPDATE!!!  Here is the Google Drive file. It's the best I've got! Hope you get it!!

Scripture Reading Chart

Today our computer crashed with my efforts for a scripture chart. So what did I do? I downloaded an app and made a new one on the iPad, lol. With that said I want to share it with all those who might like it. It's just a simple print that you can print in whatever size you want. I'll be posting it in jpeg format and PDF so you can use whatever format you like best. (I prefer the jpeg so that all I have to do is click print and my printer options will let me change the size...) At any rate, here it is!

As soon as I figure this out, lol...

UPDATE!!!  Here is the Google Drive file. It's the best I've got! Hope you get it!!

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Mash-up Post

It is crazy how fast time flies! So this post will serve as a mash-up post. Here are a few things that you've missed over the last couple weeks. Get ready for tons of photos!!

First things first! Pumpkin Patch Kiddos ;)
The girls and Blaine had a great time going out to the pumpkin patch and picking their own pumpkins. There's a little place just up the road from us that did a big thing with a petting zoo, rides, corn maze and pumpkin patch deal. Everyone had a blast! And here's the proof.

These girls are such hams! I love them!!!

Ok, So after the pumpkin patch there's Sydney's Birthday. She had a great day and even got a wonderful gift from her grandparents in AL. They sent her a giant cupcake pinata. The girls had lots of fun breaking it open. I think the anticipation was almost too much for Hazel. We got the package in the mail a week before her day, so Hazel spent the next week praying that we would get to smash the cupcake at every single opportunity--bedtime, food, elders coming over, etc. But they had fun, nevertheless. Here are some photos from that.

 Daddy finally took pity on them and helped them bust it open. Hazel had it started but just couldn't finish it out, lol.

 And what birthday would be complete without the cake?? She does this funny thing when she blows. She doesn't blow straight, it goes up instead. So we were really proud that she was able to blow out her own candle!

Now, lastly, our little man turned 5 months last week! That's right, he is getting huge. And now some of the cutest pictures of all!