Friday, September 3, 2010


So, Jamie and I are big fans of the institute program that our church puts together, probably due to the fact that we originally met at institute ; ]   Naturally, we went to the first institute of the season for everyone in Morehead. I know what ya'll are thinking, "Why is this the first institute, don't they have it over the summer?" but sadly, we don't actually have a local institute over the summer. In order to go during the summer, we'd have to drive all the way into Lexington and that's just a little too far on our budget : /  Nevertheless, we did go last night. It was different from the classes that they usually have due to it being the first one. At this one we all read our favorite D&C scripture. Mine was rather hard to pick out because of all the many wonderfully inspirational scriptures that you can find in the Doctrine and Covenants : )  but I finally chose a verse that went along wonderfully with my favorite seminary scripture mastery. My scripture was D&C 10: 26 and 5 which says,
"26 And thus he flattereth them, and leadeth them along until he draggeth their souls down to hell; and thus he causeth them to catch themselves in thier own snare. 5  Pray always, that you may come off conqueror; yea, that you may conquer Satan, and that you may escape the hands of the servants of Satan that do uphold his work." [emphasis added]
I decided on this one because a) it was my favorite scripture mastery, but b) because it also describes so vividly how the advisary works and how he uses our own shortcomings against us. It tells me how to avoid being caught in my own snares [by praying always], plus I've always loved the word conquer. To me it has a hero's conotation and suggests that not only will I simply win in my own battles against Satan, but that I will defeat him so mightily that I will be remembered and be called on as a hero in the eternities.

At this time I feel that I have to give a great big shout out to or beloved Brother Dyer who was our institute teacher back in Alabama. He is amazing! The best teacher that either one of us has ever had : ] We love him and think of him always as we continue to go the the class that he made dear to us in many ways. Thanks!

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