Monday, June 21, 2010


Today was the first time in a month and a half that I wrote in my journal. Yeah! I feel accomplished. It was a very pleasant time this morning, aside from the cat deciding that she could settle herself right on top of were I was writing.

So, Jamie got a call today that told him that he and the other two guys signing up will be leaving on Wed. to go to West Virginia to do all of their sign up stuff. He'll be gone over night and they will pay for his room and transportation there.

We've fixed our fans in our car and now all we have to do is fix the water pump in it. On the plus side, we found someone who will fix it for less than $100. And that includes the water pump that we have to buy.

All in all, I feel like today as been a lot of accomplishments. Now all I have to do is the dishes and make dinner. Woo-hoo!

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