Sunday, June 6, 2010


Okay, so yeah.  Jamie and I just had dinner with one of the other ROTC guys and his wife. They are really pleasant and we had a really good time.  But now I'm all tired and full, and it doesn't help that my computer is being lame.

Well, let me start at the beginning. This morning we were doing really good.  We were even some-what on time for church! Then it happened. Our car broke down. Yep. Thankfully we got a ride to church. Once there we found some people who could help us with our car situation as much as anybody could. They gave us a ride to our car and followed us home. They even checked it out and found out that basically we need a brand new engine. Nice. So, instead of taking the bonus that Jamie gets from completing his LTC and using it for rent, we are going to see if it'll buy us a nice somewhat new car.

On the plus side, the guy who fixed our car could also put in a good word for me at Lowes. I'm so excited about that job prospect. In fact, I even started the application today. Hopefully I'll get a call sometime soon within the next few days.

Wish us luck!

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